Sunday, September 11, 2011

How was Sapienta Aedificat formed?

Sapienta meaning "wisdom", Aedificat meaning "builds". As the motto of the University that the bloggers were enrolled in, they chose this title because they proved that the University came up and mold their students to a better and productive human being. The mission of this blogsite is to enlighten the ones who needs help, the one who needs guides and specially motivations. The vision of this blog site is today we prepare students for their future, one that can hardly be
imagined. What we know is that critical thinking skills will be crucial to
their success. Theirs is a digital world; their future will be more
strongly affected by technology. Excellence in education as we enter
the 21st Century presupposes that technology is seamlessly
integrated throughout the program.Successful integration of technology into the curriculum depends on
student access to technology, ongoing faculty-staff training, and a
strong infrastructure. Our faculty ensures that curriculum drives our
decisions regarding technology. We believe that consistent and
constant access by the individual learner to the learning tool of their
choice, strengthens their evolution as a critical thinker, thereby
ensuring their success in the future. Learning with laptops secures
student access to technology. Our students work with their own
laptops, which serve as their thinker’s toolbox or learning diary.